Adjarian zugzwang of Keskin-Zade
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Mounting Restrictions in Georgian Archives

Russian Information Warfare benefits as Access to Georgian Archives Faces Growing Restrictions Summary Ever since coming to power in 2012, Georgian Dream has gradually but steadily limited the access to the cou
Abkhazia 1917-1921 - Reconstruction of Memory

The memory and public discourse concerning Abkhazia have predominantly focused on a limited number of "fundamental" narratives that were firmly established during the Soviet era and are deeply ingrained in both occupied
On the 135th anniversary of Valiko Jugheli's birth

The imperial situation that revolutionaries from the 'ethnic minorities' of the Russian Empire found themselves in meant that sometimes their 'official' names, recorded by the bureaucrats, were different from those they
The Soviet vs the Turkish Secret Service in Adjara

The Clash of the Soviet and Turkish Intelligence Services in 1920s Adjara: The Case of Mahmud CelaleddinContemporary Georgian historiography with respect to the modern and recent history of Adjara is to a great extent co
Hygiene Propaganda in the Soviet Union

Hygiene became a subject of Soviet propaganda from as early as the Russian Revolution. The majority of this propaganda was visual, comprising posters, pamphlets, leaflets, animated films, newspapers, and even plays; thea
Geopolitics through Soviet Propagandist Messages

Geopolitics and Soviet Rhetoric through the Prism of Soviet Georgian Periodicals (1936-1941) Not long after Russia commenced its assault on Ukraine, videos and articles began to appear on social networks emphasizing sim
The Church - a Political Tool for the Soviet Union

The Enrolment of the Georgian Orthodox Church in the Ecumenical Movement as a Tool of Soviet PolicyIntroduction The ongoing war in Ukraine and the position taken by the Russian Church with respect to it have motivated m
Family stories creates a wider account of history

Nora Ikstena is a world-renowned modern writer from Latvia. She was the center of attention at London Book Fair in 2018. Her famous book “Soviet Milk” (“Mother’s Milk” in its original language) is about Soviet past. The